Monday, March 11, 2013

How do I set-up a Minecraft bukkit server on linux?

Q. Hey, I'm already running a Minecraft server on a seperate ubuntu machine upstairs but now I want to run a bukkit server. I've seen the tuturial of putting the file in a folder and using shell to copy that code to run it, but how do I use shell. And secondly, how do I add plugins to a ubuntu bukkit server. Thanks.

A. Its really easy, all you have to do is drag the plugins .jar file into the "Plugins" folder. It will automatically install the plugin. To use the shell, double-click it.

Go here if you need more help:

What is the difference between minecraft on windows and mac os x?
Q. My school got new macs, and the teachers said we could use flash drives on the macs. So if i were to copy my.minecraft folder (from windows) on to my flash drive, and transfer them to the mac, and use magic launcher to select the .jar file, would it work?

A. Only if you have a mac version of Magic Launcher, since macs cant run exes. I dond know if theres a mac one, but on the magic launcher minecraftforums page there definatly is a linux version (as a .jar) whick will work on any OS, including all mac OS and Windows OS.

How to make minecraft run faster On Linux Netbook?
Q. Ok so i have a Asus netbook thats running linux. (Latest Ubuntu) And its a basic netbook Intel Atom 1.66 Ghz processor and i turned down all the video settings and such. But is there a way i can make it run like 20 fps atleast? cause i only get under 5 fps when i play.

A. There are a few things you can do to increase speed:
1. Disable compositing in Compiz, or use a lightweight WM like OpenBox
2. Install optifine.
3. Update Java and LWJGL
4. Use a skyblock map - On a similar netbook I get literally no lag on a skyblock. I recommend AnewAaron's Skyblock Adventure here:
5. Give minecraft more memory, depending on how much you have. I upgraded my ram on my netbook, so I have 2 gb. It all depends on how much you have.
Google is your friend with these.

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