Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to make mouse work after wrong shutdown in PUPPY linux?

Q. After failing to shutdown puppy propery when I boot my pc it comes with a warning and I have to choose IGNORE or COMMAND LINE and when I choose ignore it enters puppy and my MOUSE doesn't work.... how to fix it? I have to reinstall puppy everytime than and it's so annoying..

ps it's not me who is shutting puppy wrong, it's computer used for internet, so guests shutdown incorrectly or something...

A. I believe that Puppy is best used off the LiveCD, why don't you install a different distro?

Puppy is now based off of Ubuntu, just fyi. I personally think that Ubuntu is over rated, I prefer Linux Mint to Ubuntu due to user friendliness. If you want try the Linux Mint 9 go with Flux Box, Xfce, or LXDE for faster versions that require less system resources (In other words to run like Puppy) or even LMDE (Debian Edition).

You may want to give Fedora a try also which is another of my favorites:

What is the best Linux OS (Operating System) for nvidia drivers?
Q. I have GeForce 5200 VGA card. But Ubuntu 10.10 is not detecting it. I have to use Linux for many reasons. But I can't use my VGA with Ubuntu. Please Help ME!!!

A. Hit ctrl-alt-f2 to come in to the text mode (your graphic screen will disappear)

log in

Then enter following commands

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-173-dev
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo nvidia-xconfig
sudo shutdown -r now

Then your pc should restart and tadaa... nvidia driver working

The right, proper, safe way to turn a Linux (Slackware) machine off?
Q. I noticed it might corrupt the hard disk if I turn it off while it is running a desktop environment. I noticed I must first get out of the desktop environment, and give the command exit and make myself log off, and then it is safe to turn it off. Is that correct?


A. No, to properly shutdown, run the following as root:
/sbin/shutdown -h now

If you wan't to be able to shutdown as a regular user, set the suid bit:
chmod +s /sbin/shutdown

You can also edit /etc/inittab and change the default runlevel to 4, then you will be able to just shutdown from the kde menu.

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