Monday, March 11, 2013

What is the difference between GNU and GUI?

Q. I have no clue what GNU is but I know gui is Graphic User Interface. GUI is in like mac windows while GNU is in linux/ubuntu, basically any unix system.

A. GNU is the name of software or software collections release by the Free Software Foundation. Originally a recursive acromyn (hackers are quite fond of recursive acronyms) that means GNU is Not Unix.

GNU's GUI is GNOME (GNu Object Model Enviroment), other GUI's for linux are KDE, or XFCE and are not GNU.

GNU really underlies the core system, the compiler, utilities, and many of the tools.

How to get into cgi and movie production with CGI?
Q. I currently study IT at college, and pretty much set to go to UNI in 2 years.
I'm wondering what i can study at UNI to get myself into cgi and what other things I could also study.
I want to do a foundation diploma in graphics before i go to UNI so im just wondering if that will help too.
I really need some pointers on where to go and what im expected to do before uni etc.

Any help is wonderful


A. Definitely graphics will help but most of the people I know who are in animation and movies actually have more of a fine arts background. They don't even often have degrees in it but at least they've been through a two year foundation program at one or another school. The one exception is purely IT: he got his job because he knows Linux (and UNIX which he often prefers). He handles networking and troubleshooting render farms. Not the creative stuff. Really, to work in Movie production you will find you are competing with LOT of top-ranked people and you will need to know whatever you know thoroughly. Most CGI that gets done these days uses the Renderman Graphic description standards.

hows the optimization of suse linux if you insall oracle on it ?
Q. I just want to use suse linux with oracle ,can you tell twins perfomance?

A. SuSE / Novell has developed a package (called orarun.rpm) that does set the user and groups needed to do a basic Oracle (DB) install. it does however ## NOT ## check for the prerequisites.also, orarun.rpm is NOT OFA (Optimal Flexible architerture, Oracle's standard naming convention) compliant :(

i'm usually using the Oracle Installation guide for Linux (manual b15667 for 10.2) as simply follow the instructions (creating home directory, users, groups, rights aso.) AND(!) checking pre-requisites

you don't mention what SuSE (or openSUSE?) you plan to use, but i would recommend:
- SuSE 9 or 10.0 (NOT 10.3) if you plan to use the paying version
- opneSUSE 10.2 if you plan to go with the open source

(open-)SuSE 10.3 are not working smoothly with 10g R2 (or, as far as i could see, 11g) and require a lot of extra work.

actual tuning of the database is up to YOU, dba, following standard Oracle tunning advice once the software is installed and up & running. Novell provides a very good foundation for any software to run smoothly.

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