Saturday, April 27, 2013

How do I create user accounts using a script that reads a list of names from a file?

Q. It creates user accounts for each name. This is on a linux virtual machine.

A. You'll have to write a shell script that reads the names and information from the file one line at a time, then pipes it to a tool like adduser, which will then add the user information to the appropriate system files. This has to be done as root or with admin privileges.

How do I set up a user account on Linux?
Q. I have root access on a remote linux box and want create a user account for friends to FTP files. For example I want to create a new user called friendftp and give them permission to copy files from and to a directory called /
Any help?

A. open your terminal and type:
sudo useradd -m -g users -G **groupnames** -p **password** friendftp

how can i create a root previledge user?
Q. I need to create another user in linux which will have all the previledges of a root user. Please suggest me how to create a user which will have all the power of root.

A. If the above didn't help, instead of giving someone the root password, you can try configuring sudo if it's Fedora or Ubuntu linux, the file /etc/sudoers contains a lot of options to fine-tune it

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