Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Install Red Hat Linux Desktop version 4?

Q. I want to install Red Hat Linux Desktop version 4. Please tell me the step-by-step installation and which file system will be best for this O/S?
Like in windows, we have NTFS file system(which has very security features).
Is there any such file system in Linux?
Which file system should i use?

A. Put the CD in the drive, restart the computer and follow the directions. Take the defaults - they're the best choices for a beginner.

Do I need to defrag a big linux hard drive?
Q. I have a big hard drive (300GIGs) and wonder if I can do something to get better performance out of it. I run Ubuntu Linux. Is there something like de-fragmenting or optimizing the hard drive for linux? The file system is ext3.

A. If you are looking for extra speed I suggest backing up your data and upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 which supports ext4.

Ubuntu 9.04 Technical overview

Ubuntu 9.04 Download

Converting ext3 file system to ext4


Partitioning a hard drive with two different Linux OS's sharing a common file system?
Q. How do I partition my hard drive with two Linux operating systems so that they have a common shared file system? It was explained to me a long time ago but I forgot. THANK YOU in advance for your time and consideration.

A. First, contrary to what jerry said, two /home/ directories may not be safely shared. There are two many config files, you you may end up with name and version conflicts.

/temp may be safely shared

the swap may be safely shared (but wierd thing can happen on resume from hibernate)

also /boot/ may be safely shared so long as you only configure from one system or the other, and there are no filename collisions (unlikely so no really safe in practice)

To just share media file, I would just create a partition and mount it at /share by editing the fstab of both systems. Then you can make your /home/user/Music a soft link that point to /share/Music. Repeat for Documents, Pictures, Downloads, and whatever else you care to share.

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